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Article by Infofit

5 Reasons for Taking a Fitness Vacation or a Retreat

Fitness holidays can be the perfect place to reset, re-charge and re-commit to a healthier lifestyle.

A Fitness Vacation May be the Answer

Are you feeling stressed both mentally and physically? Do you find that you are short to temper and have little patience?  Then a fitness vacation may be just what you need.  Fitness holidays can be the perfect place to reset, re-charge and re-commit to a healthier lifestyle.  There are many types of retreats that include Yoga, meditation, wellness, and fitness.  They all have their benefits.

The actual definition of a retreat is a place of seclusion, privacy or refuge. With this definition in mind, a retreat is about removing yourself from the daily grind and pressures of work and society as a whole. Wellness retreats are a place to slow down, unplug from electronics and to reconnect with yourself, away from the stress of daily life in a safe place.

Here are 5 reasons why you need to consider taking a fitness vacation.

  1. Re-charge and re-motivate yourself – Living a fast-paced life between work and family obligations without sufficient time to relax can leave you feeling stressed and exhausted mentally and physically. Taking a 7-day fitness vacation can help you re-charge and re-ignite your motivation for life.
  2. Break your daily routine habits such as your need for coffee or smoking and learn new ways to create healthier habits.
  3. Explore new activities – A fitness retreat is a great place to try new and exciting activities you wouldn’t typically do when you are at home. Try outdoor sports such as kayaking, climbing, downhill biking or skiing.  These new activities will give you the opportunity to interact with different people and have unique experiences
  4. Expand your social circle – Fitness-based vacations will put you in touch with individuals who have like-minded goals and interests. Goals are always easier to meet when you have a support group of people to cheer you on!
  5. Get back in touch with yourself – Often our busy lives cause us to detach from ourselves.  A fitness retreat often includes quiet time for self-reflection.  This self-introspection helps you re-establish your life’s priorities and provide you with the support and courage to re-structure your life, if needed.  Generally speaking, the average person just wants to be healthy. Going on a fitness retreat is a way to give yourself a chance to look at the world in a different way, learn something new, and a way to go on an adventure of self-improvement.

Find a retreat that works for you:

Staying Motivated When You Come Back

Now that you have returned from your vacation feeling relaxed and revitalized, your goal is to keep yourself moving forward. The question now becomes how to do that and not fall into old habits. How do you do stay motivated in your busy life?

1)    Make a date with yourself and put it in your calendar

2)    Hire an Elite Certified Personal Trainer to develop a workout plan

3)    Join a gym with your life partner or work out buddy

4)    Participate in a sport or activity (or two)

5)    Hire a Nutritionist or Naturopath to develop a nutrition plan

Make sure you hire a personal trainer and schedule routine appointments with them to review and revamp your workout routine. One of the best ways to stay motivated is to stay interested and a new routine or fitness plan once a month keeps it fresh and ensures your body never plateaus.

Happy Training!

Cathie Glennon – BCRPA/SFL