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Article by Infofit

Factors that Shape Our Lifespan

Aging is caused by several factors. What do we have any control over?

Factors That Shape Our Lifespan and the Way We Age

The aging rate in North America stems from multiple factors, including varying levels of fitness among individuals. While genetics are beyond our control, we can influence our aging process through managing stress, staying active, adopting a healthy lifestyle, maintaining proper nutrition, and cultivating a positive attitude. Working with a Personal Trainer can provide guidance and support in addressing these factors to enhance overall well-being and slow down the aging process.


Genetics explain only about 30%-40% of the metabolic differences between people.  That means that 60% to 70% of fat-burning influences are still diet, exercise and attitude. And there are even some genetic variables that we can change, including: (a) thyroid function, (b) adrenal function, (c) pancreas function, (d) musculoskeletal function, i.e., osteoporosis and bone density, and (e) fat-cell function, i.e., fat-burning Vs building


It is widely accepted in the scientific community that poor stress-management strategies have a direct impact on physiological parameters (elevated levels of blood lipids, cholesterol, cortisol & hormones) and acceleration of disease in those more genetically predisposed.  Better stress management can reduce these impacts.

Activity Levels

The lower levels of activity in North American society shown in the statistics displayed at the beginning of this article are one of easiest factors to change.  North Americans simply have to get moving!


Lifestyle choices have an important impact on the success or failure of a fat-loss plan Psychological fragmentation due to poor time-management and unrealistic scheduling (cramming too much into one day) will undermine the best-constructed plans.  Similarly, the following lifestyle considerations are potential triggers for physiological distress and accentuated fat storage:

  • Living alone (most noticeably, past the age of 30)
  • Lack of sleep
  • Overwork
  • Over-training
  • Lack of leisure time
  • Chronic over-consumption of alcohol or other mind-altering stimulants


Much of what we eat is toxic, and over the long-term, causes disease in the physiological systems of many people.  Making healthier food choices requires a diligent and persistent quest for knowledge and its appropriate application in the kitchen, at work, and in the community (plan your groceries once a week; purchase quick and easy storage and travel containers).  Healthy nutrition doesn’t happen by accident. 


Willingness is the key to all progress.  Your role as a fitness leader is to inspire others and help them get over the onslaught of negative thinking that they will naturally be prey to.  Here are a few thoughts to share with them:

  • Positive attitudes are not accidents – they are intentions.
  • Success does not happen by accident – it takes planning and action.
  • There is no such thing as “luck.”  Success results when planning and action meet opportunity.
  • Changing your plan is not a sign of failure.  Planning means constantly watching for the need to reassess, to revise and to re-implement.